
class deephyp.classifier.cnn_1D_network(configFile=None, inputSize=None, numClasses=None, convFilterSize=[20, 10, 10], convNumFilters=[10, 10, 10], convStride=[1, 1, 1], fcSize=[20, 20], activationFunc='relu', weightInitOpt='truncated_normal', weightStd=0.1, padding='VALID')[source]

Class for setting up a 1-D convolutional neural network (cnn) for classification. Contains several convolutional layers followed by several fully-connected layers. The network outputs scores for each class, for a given set of input data samples.

  • configFile (str) – Optional way of setting up the network. All other inputs can be ignored (will be overwritten). Pass the address of the .json config file.
  • inputSize (int) – Number of dimensions of input data (i.e. number of spectral bands). Value must be input if not using a config file.
  • numClasses (int) – Number of labelled classes in the dataset (not including the zero class).
  • convFilterSize (int list) – Size of filter at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers.
  • convNumFilters (int list) – Number of filters at each convolutional layer of the network. List length is number of convolutional layers.
  • convStride (int list) – Stride at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers. fcSize (int list): Number of nodes at each fully-connected (i.e. dense) layer of the encoder. List length is number of fully-connected layers.
  • activationFunc (str) – Activation function for all layers except the last one. Current options: [‘sigmoid’, ‘relu’, ‘linear’].
  • weightInitOpt (string) – Method of weight initialisation. Current options: [‘gaussian’, ‘truncated_normal’, ‘xavier’, ‘xavier_improved’].
  • weightStd (float) – Used by ‘gaussian’ and ‘truncated_normal’ weight initialisation methods.
  • padding (str) – Type of padding used. Current options: [‘VALID’, ‘SAME’].

Number of dimensions of input data (i.e. number of spectral bands).


Activation function for all layers except the last one.


Method of weight initialisation.


Parameter for ‘gaussian’ and ‘truncated_normal’ weight initialisation methods.


Size of filter at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers.

Type:int list

Number of filters at each convolutional layer of the network. List length is number of convolutional layers.

Type:int list

Stride at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers. padding (str): Type of padding used. Current options: [‘VALID’, ‘SAME’].

Type:int list

Number of nodes at each fully-connected (i.e. dense) layer of the encoder. List length is number of fully-connected layers.

Type:int list

Total number of layers (convolutional and fully-connected).


Output of network - class scores with shape [numSamples x numClasses]. Accessible through the predict_scores class functions, requiring a trained model.


Dictionary of names of train and loss ops (suffixed with _train and _loss) added to the network using the add_train_op class function. The name (without suffix) is passed to the train class function to train the network with the referenced train and loss op.


Dictionary of model names added to the network using the add_model class function. The names reference models which can be used by the predict_scores, predict_labels and predict_features class functions.

add_model(addr, modelName)[source]

Loads a saved set of model parameters for the network.

  • addr (str) – Address of the directory containing the checkpoint files.
  • modelName (str) – Name of the model (to refer to it later in-case of multiple models for a given network).
add_train_op(name, balance_classes=True, learning_rate=0.001, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None, piecewise_bounds=None, piecewise_values=None, method='Adam', wd_lambda=0.0)[source]

Constructs a loss op and training op from a specific loss function and optimiser. User gives the ops a name, and the train op and loss opp are stored in a dictionary (train_ops) under that name.

  • name (str) – Name of the training op (to refer to it later in-case of multiple training ops).
  • balance_classes (boolean) – Weight the samples during training so that the contribtion to the loss of each class is balanced by the number of samples the class has (in a given batch).
  • learning_rate (float) – Controls the degree to which the weights are updated during training.
  • decay_steps (int) – Epoch frequency at which to decay the learning rate.
  • decay_rate (float) – Fraction at which to decay the learning rate.
  • piecewise_bounds (int list) – Epoch step intervals for decaying the learning rate. Alternative to decay steps.
  • piecewise_values (float list) – Rate at which to decay the learning rate at the piecewise_bounds.
  • method (str) – Optimisation method.
  • wd_lambda (float) – Scalar to control weighting of weight decay in loss.
predict_features(modelName, dataSamples, layer)[source]

Extract the predicted feature values at a particular layer of the network.

  • modelName (str) – Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() )
  • dataSamples (np.array) – Shape [numSamples x inputSize]
  • layer (int) – Layer at which to extract features. Must be between 1 and numLayers inclusive.

Values of neurons at layer. Shape [numSamples x numNeurons] if fully-connected layer and [numSamples x convDim1 x convDim2] if convolutional layer.

Return type:


predict_labels(modelName, dataSamples)[source]

Extract the predicted classification labels of some dataSamples using a trained model.

  • modelName (str) – Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() )
  • dataSamples (array) – Shape [numSamples x inputSize]

Predicted classification labels of dataSamples. Shape [numSamples].

Return type:


predict_scores(modelName, dataSamples, useSoftmax=True)[source]

Extract the predicted classification scores of some dataSamples using a trained model.

  • modelName (str) – Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() ).
  • dataSamples (np.array) – Shape [numSamples x inputSize].
  • useSoftmax (boolean) – Pass predicted scores output by network through a softmax function.

Predicted classification scores of dataSamples. Shape [numSamples x numClasses].

Return type:


train(dataTrain, dataVal, train_op_name, n_epochs, save_addr, visualiseRateTrain=0, visualiseRateVal=0, save_epochs=[1000])[source]

Calls network_ops function to train a network.

  • dataTrain (obj) – Iterator object for training data.
  • dataVal (obj) – Iterator object for validation data.
  • train_op_name (str) – Name of training op created.
  • n_epochs (int) – Number of loops through dataset to train for.
  • save_addr (str) – Address of a directory to save checkpoints for desired epochs, or address of saved checkpoint. If address is for an epoch and contains a previously saved checkpoint, then the network will start training from there. Otherwise it will be trained from scratch.
  • visualiseRateTrain (int) – Epoch rate at which to print training loss in console.
  • visualiseRateVal (int) – Epoch rate at which to print validation loss in console.
  • save_epochs (int list) – Epochs to save checkpoints at.