Source code for deephyp.classifier

    Description: high-level deep learning classes for building, training and using supervised neural network \
    classifiers. Uses functions from the low-level network_ops module.

    - File name:
    - Author: Lloyd Windrim
    - Date created: August 2019
    - Python package: deephyp


import tensorflow as tf
from deephyp import network_ops as net_ops

[docs]class cnn_1D_network(): """ Class for setting up a 1-D convolutional neural network (cnn) for classification. Contains several convolutional \ layers followed by several fully-connected layers. The network outputs scores for each class, for a given set \ of input data samples. Args: configFile (str): Optional way of setting up the network. All other inputs can be ignored (will be overwritten). \ Pass the address of the .json config file. inputSize (int): Number of dimensions of input data (i.e. number of spectral bands). Value must be input if not \ using a config file. numClasses (int): Number of labelled classes in the dataset (not including the zero class). convFilterSize (int list): Size of filter at each convolutional layer. List length is number of \ convolutional layers. convNumFilters (int list): Number of filters at each convolutional layer of the network. List length is \ number of convolutional layers. convStride (int list): Stride at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers. \ fcSize (int list): Number of nodes at each fully-connected (i.e. dense) layer of the encoder. List length \ is number of fully-connected layers. activationFunc (str): Activation function for all layers except the last one. Current options: ['sigmoid', \ 'relu', 'linear']. weightInitOpt (string): Method of weight initialisation. Current options: ['gaussian', 'truncated_normal', \ 'xavier', 'xavier_improved']. weightStd (float): Used by 'gaussian' and 'truncated_normal' weight initialisation methods. padding (str): Type of padding used. Current options: ['VALID', 'SAME']. Attributes: inputSize (int): Number of dimensions of input data (i.e. number of spectral bands). activationFunc (str): Activation function for all layers except the last one. weightInitOpt (string): Method of weight initialisation. weightStd (float): Parameter for 'gaussian' and 'truncated_normal' weight initialisation methods. convFilterSize (int list): Size of filter at each convolutional layer. List length is number of \ convolutional layers. convNumFilters (int list): Number of filters at each convolutional layer of the network. List length is \ number of convolutional layers. convStride (int list): Stride at each convolutional layer. List length is number of convolutional layers. \ padding (str): Type of padding used. Current options: ['VALID', 'SAME']. fcSize (int list): Number of nodes at each fully-connected (i.e. dense) layer of the encoder. List length \ is number of fully-connected layers. numLayers (int): Total number of layers (convolutional and fully-connected). y_pred (tensor): Output of network - class scores with shape [numSamples x numClasses]. Accessible through the \ *predict_scores* class functions, requiring a trained model. train_ops (dict): Dictionary of names of train and loss ops (suffixed with _train and _loss) added to the \ network using the *add_train_op* class function. The name (without suffix) is passed to the *train* class \ function to train the network with the referenced train and loss op. modelsAddrs (dict): Dictionary of model names added to the network using the *add_model* class function. The \ names reference models which can be used by the *predict_scores*, *predict_labels* and *predict_features* \ class functions. """ def __init__( self , configFile=None, inputSize=None, numClasses=None, convFilterSize=[20,10,10], convNumFilters=[10,10,10], convStride = [1,1,1], fcSize=[20,20], activationFunc='relu', weightInitOpt='truncated_normal', weightStd=0.1, padding='VALID'): self.inputSize = inputSize self.numClasses = numClasses self.activationFunc = activationFunc self.weightInitOpt = weightInitOpt self.weightStd = weightStd self.convFilterSize = convFilterSize self.convNumFilters = convNumFilters self.convStride = convStride self.padding = padding self.fcSize = fcSize self.net_config = ['inputSize','numClasses','activationFunc','weightInitOpt','weightStd','convFilterSize', 'convNumFilters','convStride','padding','fcSize'] # loading config file overwrites input arguments if configFile is not None: net_ops.load_config(self,configFile) if self.inputSize is None: raise Exception('value must be given for inputSize (not None)') if self.numClasses is None: raise Exception('value must be given for numClasses (not None)') if not (len(self.convFilterSize) == len(self.convNumFilters) == len(self.convStride)): raise Exception('the length of convNumfilters, convFilterSize and convStride must be equal.') self.x = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.inputSize]) self.y_target = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.numClasses]) self.weights = { } self.biases = { } self.h = {} self.a = {} self.train_ops = {} self.modelsAddrs = {} # pre-compute shape of data after each layer self.convDataShape = [self.inputSize] for layerNum in range( len( self.convNumFilters ) ): self.convDataShape.append( net_ops.conv_output_shape( self.convDataShape[layerNum],self.convFilterSize[layerNum],self.padding,self.convStride[layerNum]) ) self.convDataShape[layerNum + 1] = self.convDataShape[-1] * self.convNumFilters[layerNum] self.fcDataShape = [] for layerNum in range( len( self.fcSize ) ): self.fcDataShape.append( self.fcSize[layerNum] ) self.fcDataShape.append( self.numClasses ) # conv layer weights for layerNum in range( len( self.convNumFilters ) ): self.weights['conv_w%i'%(layerNum+1)] = \ net_ops.create_variable([self.convFilterSize[layerNum], ([1]+self.convNumFilters)[layerNum], ([1] + self.convNumFilters)[layerNum+1]],weightInitOpt, wd=True) # fc layer weights self.weights['fc_w1'] = net_ops.create_variable( [self.convDataShape[layerNum+1], self.fcSize[0]],self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) for layerNum in range( len( self.fcSize ) - 1 ): self.weights['fc_w%i'%(layerNum+2)] = \ net_ops.create_variable([self.fcSize[layerNum], self.fcSize[layerNum+1]],self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) self.weights['fc_w%i'%(layerNum+3)] = net_ops.create_variable( [self.fcSize[layerNum+1], self.numClasses], self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) # conv layer biases for layerNum in range( len( self.convNumFilters ) ): self.biases['conv_b%i'%(layerNum+1)] = \ net_ops.create_variable([self.convNumFilters[layerNum]] , self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) # fc layer biases for layerNum in range( len( self.fcSize ) ): self.biases['fc_b%i'%(layerNum+1)] = \ net_ops.create_variable([self.fcSize[layerNum]] , self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) self.biases['fc_b%i' % (layerNum + 2)] = \ net_ops.create_variable([self.numClasses], self.weightInitOpt, wd=True) # build network using conv layers, fc layers and x placeholder as input self.a['a0'] = tf.expand_dims(self.x,axis=2) # expand to shape None x inputSize x 1 # conv layers for layerNum in range( 1 , len( self.convNumFilters ) + 1 ): self.h['h%d' % (layerNum)] = \ net_ops.layer_conv1d(self.a['a%d'%(layerNum-1)], self.weights['conv_w%d'%(layerNum)], self.biases['conv_b%d'%(layerNum)],padding=self.padding,stride=self.convStride[layerNum-1]) self.a['a%d' % (layerNum)] = net_ops.layer_activation(self.h['h%d' % (layerNum)], self.activationFunc) self.a['a%d'%(layerNum)] = tf.reshape( self.a['a%d'%(layerNum)], [-1,self.convDataShape[layerNum]] ) # fc layers self.h['h%d' % (layerNum+1)] = \ net_ops.layer_fullyConn( self.a['a%d'%(layerNum)],self.weights['fc_w1'],self.biases['fc_b1']) self.a['a%d' % (layerNum+1)] = net_ops.layer_activation(self.h['h%d' % (layerNum+1)], self.activationFunc) for layerNum in range( 1 , len( self.fcSize )+1 ): absLayerNum = len( self.convNumFilters ) + layerNum + 1 self.h['h%d' % (absLayerNum)] = \ net_ops.layer_fullyConn(self.a['a%d'%(absLayerNum-1)], self.weights['fc_w%d'%(layerNum+1)], self.biases['fc_b%d'%(layerNum+1)]) if layerNum == len( self.fcSize ): self.a['a%d' % (absLayerNum)] = \ net_ops.layer_activation(self.h['h%d' % (absLayerNum)], 'linear') else: self.a['a%d' % (absLayerNum)] = \ net_ops.layer_activation(self.h['h%d' % (absLayerNum)], self.activationFunc) # output of final layer self.y_pred = self.a['a%d' % (absLayerNum)] self.numLayers = len(self.a) - 1
[docs] def add_train_op(self,name, balance_classes=True, learning_rate=1e-3, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None, piecewise_bounds=None, piecewise_values=None, method='Adam', wd_lambda=0.0 ): """ Constructs a loss op and training op from a specific loss function and optimiser. User gives the ops a \ name, and the train op and loss opp are stored in a dictionary (train_ops) under that name. Args: name (str): Name of the training op (to refer to it later in-case of multiple training ops). balance_classes (boolean): Weight the samples during training so that the contribtion to the loss of each \ class is balanced by the number of samples the class has (in a given batch). learning_rate (float): Controls the degree to which the weights are updated during training. decay_steps (int): Epoch frequency at which to decay the learning rate. decay_rate (float): Fraction at which to decay the learning rate. piecewise_bounds (int list): Epoch step intervals for decaying the learning rate. Alternative to decay steps. piecewise_values (float list): Rate at which to decay the learning rate at the piecewise_bounds. method (str): Optimisation method. wd_lambda (float): Scalar to control weighting of weight decay in loss. """ # construct loss op if balance_classes: class_weights = net_ops.balance_classes(self.y_target,self.numClasses) else: class_weights = None self.train_ops['%s_loss'%name] = net_ops.loss_function_crossentropy_1D( self.y_pred, self.y_target, class_weights=class_weights, num_classes=self.numClasses) # weight decay loss contribution wdLoss = net_ops.loss_weight_decay(wd_lambda) # construct training op self.train_ops['%s_train'%name] = \ net_ops.train_step(self.train_ops['%s_loss'%name]+wdLoss, learning_rate, decay_steps, decay_rate, piecewise_bounds, piecewise_values,method)
[docs] def train(self, dataTrain, dataVal, train_op_name, n_epochs, save_addr, visualiseRateTrain=0, visualiseRateVal=0, save_epochs=[1000]): """ Calls network_ops function to train a network. Args: dataTrain (obj): Iterator object for training data. dataVal (obj): Iterator object for validation data. train_op_name (str): Name of training op created. n_epochs (int): Number of loops through dataset to train for. save_addr (str): Address of a directory to save checkpoints for desired epochs, or address of saved \ checkpoint. If address is for an epoch and contains a previously saved checkpoint, then the \ network will start training from there. Otherwise it will be trained from scratch. visualiseRateTrain (int): Epoch rate at which to print training loss in console. visualiseRateVal (int): Epoch rate at which to print validation loss in console. save_epochs (int list): Epochs to save checkpoints at. """ # make sure a checkpoint is saved at n_epochs if n_epochs not in save_epochs: save_epochs.append(n_epochs) net_ops.train( self, dataTrain, dataVal, train_op_name, n_epochs, save_addr, visualiseRateTrain, visualiseRateVal, save_epochs )
[docs] def add_model(self,addr,modelName): """ Loads a saved set of model parameters for the network. Args: addr (str): Address of the directory containing the checkpoint files. modelName (str): Name of the model (to refer to it later in-case of multiple models for a given network). """ self.modelsAddrs[modelName] = addr
[docs] def predict_scores( self, modelName, dataSamples, useSoftmax=True ): """ Extract the predicted classification scores of some dataSamples using a trained model. Args: modelName (str): Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() ). dataSamples (np.array): Shape [numSamples x inputSize]. useSoftmax (boolean): Pass predicted scores output by network through a softmax function. Returns: (np.array): Predicted classification scores of dataSamples. Shape [numSamples x numClasses]. """ with tf.Session() as sess: # load the model net_ops.load_model(self.modelsAddrs[modelName], sess) # get scores if useSoftmax: scores = tf.nn.softmax(self.y_pred) else: scores = self.y_pred predScores =, feed_dict={self.x: dataSamples}) return predScores
[docs] def predict_labels( self, modelName, dataSamples ): """ Extract the predicted classification labels of some dataSamples using a trained model. Args: modelName (str): Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() ) dataSamples (array): Shape [numSamples x inputSize] Returns: (np.array): Predicted classification labels of dataSamples. Shape [numSamples]. """ with tf.Session() as sess: # load the model net_ops.load_model(self.modelsAddrs[modelName], sess) pred_labels =,axis=1), feed_dict={self.x: dataSamples}) + 1 return pred_labels
[docs] def predict_features( self, modelName, dataSamples, layer ): """ Extract the predicted feature values at a particular layer of the network. Args: modelName (str): Name of the model to use (previously added with add_model() ) dataSamples (np.array): Shape [numSamples x inputSize] layer (int): Layer at which to extract features. Must be between 1 and numLayers inclusive. Returns: (np.array): Values of neurons at layer. Shape [numSamples x numNeurons] if fully-connected layer and \ [numSamples x convDim1 x convDim2] if convolutional layer. """ if (layer > self.numLayers ) | (layer < 1 ): raise ValueError('layer must be between 1 and numLayers (%i) inclusive. ' 'Layer input: %i'% (self.numLayers,layer) ) with tf.Session() as sess: # load the model net_ops.load_model(self.modelsAddrs[modelName], sess) predFeatures =['a%i'%(layer)], feed_dict={self.x: dataSamples}) return predFeatures