train multiple models for an MLP

The code block directly below will train several different models for a given MLP (or dense) autoencoder architecture on the Pavia Uni hyperspectral dataset. Each model is trained with a different reconstruction loss function. Make sure you have a folder in your directory called ‘models’. Once trained, look at the next code block to test out the trained autoencoder. If you have already downloaded the Pavia Uni dataset (e.g. from another example) you can comment out that step.

The network has four encoder and four decoder layers, with 50 neurons in the first layer, 30 in the second, 10 in the third and 3 in the fourth layer (the latent layer). Models are trained with 200,000 spectral samples and 100 validation samples with a batch size of 1000 samples. Training lasts for 100 epochs, with a learning rate of 0.001 and the Adam optimiser. Three different models are trained, each with a different reconstruction loss function: the sum-of-squared errors (SSE), cosine spectral angle (CSA) and spectral angle (SA). The train loss and validation loss are displayed every 10 epochs. Models are saved at 50 and 100 epochs. The models are saved in the models/test_ae_mlp_adv_csa, models/test_ae_mlp_adv_sa and models/test_ae_mlp_adv_sse folders. Note that all of these models use the same network object.

import deephyp.autoencoder

import os
import shutil
    from urllib import urlretrieve # python2
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve # python3

 # download dataset (if already downloaded, comment this out)
 urlretrieve( '', os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'PaviaU.mat') )

 # read data into numpy array
 mat = 'PaviaU.mat' )
 img = mat[ 'paviaU' ]

 # create a hyperspectral dataset object from the numpy array
 hypData = img )

 # pre-process data to make the model easier to train
 hypData.pre_process( 'minmax' )

 # create data iterator objects for training and validation using the pre-processed data
 trainSamples = 200000
 valSamples = 100
 dataTrain = dataSamples=hypData.spectraPrep[:trainSamples, :],
                           targets=hypData.spectraPrep[:trainSamples, :], batchSize=1000 )
 dataVal = dataSamples=hypData.spectraPrep[trainSamples:trainSamples+valSamples, :],
                         targets=hypData.spectraPrep[trainSamples:trainSamples+valSamples, :] )

 # shuffle training data

 # setup a fully-connected autoencoder neural network with 3 encoder layers
 net = deephyp.autoencoder.mlp_1D_network( inputSize=hypData.numBands, encoderSize=[50,30,10,3], activationFunc='relu',
                                   weightInitOpt='truncated_normal', tiedWeights=None, skipConnect=False )

 # setup multiple training operations for the network (with different loss functions)
 net.add_train_op(name='sse', lossFunc='SSE', learning_rate=1e-3, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None,
                  method='Adam', wd_lambda=0.0)

 net.add_train_op( name='csa', lossFunc='CSA', learning_rate=1e-3, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None,
                   method='Adam', wd_lambda=0.0 )

 net.add_train_op(name='sa', lossFunc='SA', learning_rate=1e-3, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None,
                  method='Adam', wd_lambda=0.0)

 # create directories to save the learnt models
 for method in ['sse','csa','sa']:
     model_dir = os.path.join('models','test_ae_mlp_adv_%s'%(method))
     if os.path.exists(model_dir):
         # if directory already exists, delete it

     # train a model for each training op
     net.train(dataTrain=dataTrain, dataVal=dataVal, train_op_name=method, n_epochs=100, save_addr=model_dir,
               visualiseRateTrain=10, visualiseRateVal=10, save_epochs=[50, 100])

The code below will test the MLP (or dense) autoencoder models trained in the above code block, on the Pavia Uni hyperspectral dataset. Make sure you have a folder in your directory called ‘results’. Run the testing code block as a separate script to the training code block. The code block below downloads the Pavia Uni ground truth labels.

The network is setup using the config file output during training. Because all three models use the same network, the network can be setup from just one of the config files. Each of the three trained models are added to the network. The models are each used to encode a latent representation of the Pavia Uni data and a scatter plot figure of the samples in two of the three latent dimensions are shown for each model. The two latent features with the greatest standard deviation of the data samples are used for the scatter plot.

import deephyp.autoencoder

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
    from urllib import urlretrieve # python2
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve # python3

 # read data into numpy array
 mat = 'PaviaU.mat' )
 img = mat[ 'paviaU' ]

 # create a hyperspectral dataset object from the numpy array
 hypData = img )

 # pre-process data to make the model easier to train
 hypData.pre_process( 'minmax' )

 # setup a network from a config file
 net = deephyp.autoencoder.mlp_1D_network( configFile=os.path.join('models','test_ae_mlp_adv_sse','config.json') )

 # assign previously trained parameters to the network, and name each model
 net.add_model( addr=os.path.join('models','test_ae_mlp_adv_sse','epoch_100'), modelName='sse_100' )
 net.add_model(addr=os.path.join('models', 'test_ae_mlp_adv_csa', 'epoch_100'), modelName='csa_100')
 net.add_model(addr=os.path.join('models', 'test_ae_mlp_adv_sa', 'epoch_100'), modelName='sa_100')

 # feed forward hyperspectral dataset through each encoder model (get latent encoding)
 dataZ_sse = net.encoder( modelName='sse_100', dataSamples=hypData.spectraPrep )
 dataZ_csa = net.encoder(modelName='csa_100', dataSamples=hypData.spectraPrep)
 dataZ_sa = net.encoder(modelName='sa_100', dataSamples=hypData.spectraPrep)

 # feed forward latent encoding through each decoder model (get reconstruction)
 dataY_sse = net.decoder(modelName='sse_100', dataZ=dataZ_sse)
 dataY_csa = net.decoder(modelName='csa_100', dataZ=dataZ_csa)
 dataY_sa = net.decoder(modelName='sa_100', dataZ=dataZ_sa)

 #--------- visualisation ----------------------------------------

 # download dataset ground truth pixel labels (if already downloaded, comment this out).
 urlretrieve( '',
                         os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'PaviaU_gt.mat') )

 # read labels into numpy array
 mat_gt = 'PaviaU_gt.mat' )
 img_gt = mat_gt['paviaU_gt']
 gt = np.reshape( img_gt , ( -1 ) )

 method = ['sse','csa','sa']

 dataZ_collection = [dataZ_sse, dataZ_csa, dataZ_sa]
 for j,dataZ in enumerate(dataZ_collection):

     # save a scatter plot image of 2 of 3 latent dimensions
     idx = np.argsort(-np.std(dataZ, axis=0))
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
     for i,gt_class in enumerate(['asphalt', 'meadow', 'gravel','tree','painted metal','bare soil','bitumen','brick','shadow']):
         ax.scatter(dataZ[gt == i+1, idx[0]], dataZ[gt == i+1, idx[1]], c='C%i'%i,s=5,label=gt_class)
     plt.title('latent representation: %s'%(method[j]))
     plt.xlabel('latent feature %i' % (idx[0]))
     plt.ylabel('latent feature %i' % (idx[1]))
     plt.savefig(os.path.join('results', 'test_mlp_scatter_%s.png'%(method[j])))