Source code for deephyp.network_ops

    Description: various functions for deep learning built on-top of tensorflow. The high-level modules in the package
    call these functions.

    - File name:
    - Author: Lloyd Windrim
    - Date created: June 2019
    - Python package: deephyp


import tensorflow as tf
import math
import numpy as np
from os.path import join, exists, basename, split
import json

[docs]def create_variable(shape,method='gaussian',wd=False): """ Setup a trainable variable (collection of parameters) of a particular shape. Args: shape (list): Data shape. method (str): How to initialise parameter values. wd (boolean): Setup weight decay for this variable. Returns: (tensor): Set of parameters for the given variable. """ return tf.Variable(init_weight(method, shape, wd=wd))
[docs]def layer_fullyConn(input, W, b): """ Define a fully connected layer operation. Also called a 'dense' layer. Args: input (tensor): Data input into the layer. Shape [numSamples x numInputNeurons]. W (tensor): Weight parameters for the layer. Shape [numInputNeurons x numOutputNeurons]. b (tensor): Bias parameters for the layer. Shape [numOutputNeurons]. Returns: (tensor): Computes layer output. Shape [numSamples x numOutputNeurons]. """ return tf.matmul(input, W) + b
[docs]def layer_conv1d(input, W, b, stride=1,padding='SAME'): """ Define a 1 dimensional convolution layer operation. Args: input (tensor): Data input into the layer. Shape [numSamples x numInputNeurons x numFiltersIn]. W (tensor): Weight parameters of the filters/kernels. Shape [filterSize x numFiltersIn x numFiltersOut]. b (tensor): Bias parameters for the layer. Shape [numFiltersOut]. stride (int): Stride at which to convolve (must be >= 1). padding (str): Type of padding to use ('SAME' or 'VALID'). Returns: (tensor): Computes layer output. Shape [numSamples x numOutputNeurons x numFiltersOut]. """ if (padding!='SAME')&(padding!='VALID'): raise ValueError('unknown padding type: %s. Use SAME or VALID' % padding) if stride < 1: raise ValueError('stride must be greater than 0. Stride = %d found in conv layer.'% stride) return tf.nn.conv1d(input,W,stride=stride,padding=padding) + b
[docs]def layer_deconv1d(input, W, b, outputShape, stride=1,padding='SAME'): """ Define a 1 dimensional deconvolution layer operation. Also called convolutional transpose or upsampling layer. Args: input (tensor): Data input into the layer. Shape [numSamples x numInputNeurons x numFiltersIn]. W (tensor): Weight parameters of the filters/kernels. Shape [filterSize x numFiltersOut x numFiltersIn]. b (tensor): Bias parameters for the layer. Shape [numFiltersOut]. outputShape (list): Expected shape of the layer output. Shape [numSamples x numOutputNeurons x numFiltersOut]. stride (int): Stride at which to convolve (must be >= 1). padding (str): Type of padding to use ('SAME' or 'VALID'). Returns: (tensor): Computes layer output. Shape [numSamples x numOutputNeurons x numFiltersOut]. """ if (padding!='SAME')&(padding!='VALID'): raise ValueError('unknown padding type: %s. Use SAME or VALID' % padding) if stride < 1: raise ValueError('stride must be greater than 0. Stride = %d found in deconv layer.'% stride) return tf.nn.conv1d_transpose(input,W,outputShape,strides=stride,padding=padding) + b
[docs]def layer_activation(input, func='sigmoid'): """ Define an activation function operation. Args: input (tensor): Data input into the function. func (str): Type of activation function. (relu, sigmoid, linear). Returns: (tensor): Computes activation. Shape is same as input. """ if func == 'relu': a = tf.nn.relu(input) elif func == 'sigmoid': a = tf.nn.sigmoid(input) elif func == 'linear': a = input else: raise ValueError('unknown activation function: %s. Use relu, sigmoid or linear.' % func) return a
[docs]def conv_output_shape(inputShape, filterSize, padding, stride): """ Computes the expected output shape (for the convolving axis only) of a convolution layer given an input shape. Args: inputShape (int): Shape of convolving axis of input data. filterSize (int): Size of filter/kernel of convolution layer. stride (int): Stride at which to convolve (must be >= 1). padding (str): Type of padding to use ('SAME' or 'VALID'). Returns: (int): Output shape of convolving axis for given layer and input shape. """ if padding=='VALID': outputShape = np.ceil( (inputShape - (filterSize-1))/stride ) elif padding=='SAME': outputShape = np.ceil(inputShape / stride) else: raise ValueError('unknown padding type: %s. Use SAME or VALID' % padding) return int(outputShape)
[docs]def train_step(loss, learning_rate=1e-3, decay_steps=None, decay_rate=None, piecewise_bounds=None, piecewise_values=None, method='Adam'): """ Operation for training the weights of the network by optimising them to minimise the loss function. Note that \ the default is a constant learning rate (no decay). Args: loss (tensor): Output of network loss function. learning_rate: (float) Controls the degree to which the weights are updated during training. decay_steps (int): Epoch frequency at which to decay the learning rate. decay_rate (float): Fraction at which to decay the learning rate. piecewise_bounds (int list): Epoch step intervals for decaying the learning rate. Alternative to decay steps. piecewise_values (float list): Rate at which to decay the learning rate at the piecewise_bounds. method (str): Optimisation method. (Adam, SGD). Returns: (op) A train op. """ global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step') # update learning rate for current step if decay_rate != None: lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate, staircase=True) elif piecewise_bounds != None: lr = tf.train.piecewise_constant(global_step, piecewise_bounds, [learning_rate] + piecewise_values) else: lr = learning_rate if method == 'Adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr) elif method == 'SGD': optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr) else: raise ValueError('unknown optimisation method: %s. Use Adam or SGD.' % method) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) return train_op
[docs]def loss_function_reconstruction_1D(y_reconstructed,y_target,func='SSE'): """ Reconstruction loss function op, comparing 1D tensors for network reconstruction and target. Args: y_reconstructed (tensor): Output of network (reconstructed 1D vector). Shape [numSamples x inputSize]. y_target (tensor): What the network is trying to reconstruct (1D vector). Shape [numSamples x inputSize]. func (string): The name of the loss function to be used. 'SSE'-sum of square errors,'CSA'-cosine spectral angle, \ 'SA'-spectral angle, 'SID'-spectral information divergence. Returns: (tensor): Reconstruction loss. """ if func == 'SSE': # sum of squared errors loss loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(y_target - y_reconstructed) ) elif func == 'CSA': # cosine of spectral angle loss normalize_r = tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.transpose(y_reconstructed),axis=0) normalize_t = tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.transpose(y_target),axis=0) loss = tf.reduce_sum( 1 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(normalize_r, normalize_t),axis=0 ) ) elif func == 'SA': # spectral angle loss normalize_r = tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.transpose(y_reconstructed),axis=0) normalize_t = tf.math.l2_normalize(tf.transpose(y_target),axis=0) loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.math.acos(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(normalize_r, normalize_t),axis=0 ) ) ) elif func == 'SID': # spectral information divergence loss t = tf.divide( tf.transpose(y_target) , tf.reduce_sum(tf.transpose(y_target),axis=0) ) r = tf.divide( tf.transpose(y_reconstructed) , tf.reduce_sum(tf.transpose(y_reconstructed),axis=0) ) loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(t,tf.log(tf.divide(t,r))) , axis=0) + tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(r,tf.log(tf.divide(r,t))) , axis=0) ) else: raise ValueError('unknown loss function: %s. Use SSE, CSA, SA or SID.' % func) return loss
[docs]def loss_function_crossentropy_1D( y_pred, y_target, class_weights=None, num_classes=None): """ Cross entropy loss function op, comparing 1D tensors for network prediction and target. Weights the classes \ when calculating the loss to balance un-even training batches. If class weights are not provided, then no \ weighting is done (weight of 1 assigned to each class). Args: y_pred (tensor): Output of network (1D vector of class scores). Shape [numSamples x numClasses]. y_target (tensor): One-hot classification labels (1D vector). Shape [numSamples x numClasses]. class_weights (tensor): Weight for each class. Shape [numClasses]. num_classes (int): Returns: (tensor): Cross-entropy loss. """ if class_weights==None: class_weights = tf.constant(1,shape=[num_classes],dtype=tf.dtypes.float32) sample_weights = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(y_target, class_weights ), axis=1) # weight of each sample loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=y_target,logits=y_pred,weights=sample_weights ) ) return loss
[docs]def loss_weight_decay(wdLambda): """ Weight decay loss op, regularises network by penalising parameters for being too large. Args: wdLambda (float): Scalar to control weighting of weight decay in loss. Returns: (tensor) : Weight-decay loss. """ return tf.multiply( wdLambda , tf.reduce_sum(tf.get_collection('wd')) )
[docs]def balance_classes(y_target,num_classes): """ Calculates the class weights needed to balance the classes, based on the number of samples of each class in the \ batch of data. Args: y_target (tensor): One-hot classification labels (1D vector). Shape [numSamples x numClasses] num_classes (int): Returns: (tensor): A weighting for each class that balances their contribution to the loss. Shape [numClasses]. """ y_target = tf.reshape( y_target, [-1, num_classes] ) class_count = tf.add( tf.reduce_sum( y_target, axis=0 ), tf.constant( [1]*num_classes, dtype=tf.float32 ) ) class_weights = tf.multiply( tf.divide( tf.ones( ( 1, num_classes) ), class_count ), tf.reduce_max( class_count ) ) return class_weights
[docs]def save_model(addr,sess,saver,current_epoch,epochs_to_save): """Saves a checkpoint at a list of epochs. Args: addr (str): Address of a directory to save checkpoint for current epoch. sess (obj): Tensor flow session object. saver (obj): Tensor flow save object. current_epoch (int): The current epoch. epochs_to_save (int list): Epochs to save checkpoints at. """ if current_epoch in epochs_to_save:, join(addr,"epoch_%i"%(current_epoch),"model.ckpt"))
[docs]def load_model(addr,sess): """Loads a model from the address of a checkpoint. Args: addr (str): Address of a directory to save checkpoint for current epoch. sess (obj): Tensor flow session object. """ saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, join(addr, 'model.ckpt'))
[docs]def save_config(net_obj,addr): """Saves a network config file. Saves the variables listed in net_config within the network object. Args: net_obj (obj): Network object. addr (obj): Directory of where to store the config.json file. """ data = {} for config_parameter in net_obj.net_config: data[config_parameter] = getattr(net_obj,config_parameter) with open(join(addr,'config.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)
[docs]def load_config(net_obj,addr): """Loads a network config file. Loads from variables in the config.json file and overwrites variables in network \ object. Applies to variables in the net_config list in the network object. Args: net_obj (obj): Network object. addr (obj): Directory location of config.json file. """ with open(addr, 'r') as outfile: data = json.load(outfile) for config_parameter in data: setattr(net_obj,config_parameter,data[config_parameter])
[docs]def train( net_obj , dataTrain, dataVal, train_op_name, n_epochs, save_addr, visualiseRateTrain=0, visualiseRateVal=0, save_epochs=[1000] ): """ Function for training a network. Updates the network weights through the training op. The function will check \ the save address for a model checkpoint to load, otherwise it will begin training from scratch. Args: net_obj (obj): Network object. dataTrain (obj): Iterator object for training data. dataVal (obj): Iterator object for validation data. train_op_name (string): Name of training op created. n_epochs (int): Number of loops through dataset to train for. save_addr (str): Address of a directory to save checkpoints for desired epochs, or address of saved checkpoint. \ If address is for an epoch and contains a previously saved checkpoint, then the network will \ start training from there. Otherwise it will be trained from scratch. visualiseRateTrain (int): Epoch rate at which to print training loss in console. visualiseRateVal (int): Epoch rate at which to print validation loss in console. save_epochs (int list): Epochs to save checkpoints at. """ if np.shape(dataTrain.dataSamples)[1] != net_obj.inputSize: raise Exception('the data dimensionality must match the network input size. ' 'Data size: %d, network input size: %d'%(np.shape(dataTrain.dataSamples)[1], net_obj.inputSize)) batchSize = dataTrain.batchSize numSamples = dataTrain.numSamples numIters = numSamples // batchSize if (numSamples % batchSize)>0: numIters+=1 with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.Saver() # check if addr has 'epoch' in name and contains a checkpoint if exists(join(save_addr,'checkpoint')) & ('epoch' in basename(save_addr)): # load a checkpoint saver.restore(sess,join(save_addr,'model.ckpt')) epoch_start = int((basename(save_addr)).split('_')[-1]) + 1 save_addr = split(save_addr)[0] else: # save directory is empty epoch_start = 0 # create network config file in directory save_config(net_obj,save_addr) for epoch_i in range(epoch_start, n_epochs+1): train_error = [] for batch_i in range(numIters): train_batch_x , train_batch_y = dataTrain.next_batch() # update weights and biases['%s_train'%(train_op_name)], feed_dict={net_obj.x: train_batch_x, net_obj.y_target: train_batch_y}) # training loss if visualiseRateTrain > 0: if epoch_i % visualiseRateTrain == 0: train_error.append( net_obj.train_ops['%s_loss' % (train_op_name)].eval( {net_obj.x: train_batch_x, net_obj.y_target: train_batch_y}) ) if batch_i == numIters - 1: dataTrain.reset_batch() # outputs average batch error if visualiseRateTrain > 0: if epoch_i % visualiseRateTrain == 0: train_error = np.array(train_error) print("epoch: %d, training loss: %g" % (epoch_i, np.mean(train_error))) # iterate over validation samples and output loss if visualiseRateVal > 0: if epoch_i % visualiseRateVal == 0: val_error = [] for batch_i in range(dataVal.numSamples // dataVal.batchSize): val_batch_x, val_batch_y = dataVal.next_batch() val_error.append( net_obj.train_ops['%s_loss' % (train_op_name)].eval( {net_obj.x: val_batch_x, net_obj.y_target: val_batch_y}) ) if batch_i == (dataVal.numSamples // dataVal.batchSize)-1: dataVal.reset_batch() val_error = np.array(val_error) print("epoch: %d, validation loss: %g" % (epoch_i, np.mean(val_error))) save_model(save_addr,sess,saver,epoch_i,save_epochs)
[docs]def init_weight(opts, shape, stddev=0.1, const=0.1, wd = False, dtype=tf.float32): """ Weight initialisation function. Args: opts (str): Method for initialising variable. ('gaussian','truncated_normal','xavier','xavier_improved', \ 'constant'). shape (list): Data shape. stddev (int): Standard deviation used by 'gaussian' and 'truncated_normal' variable initialisation methods. const (int): Constant value to initialise variable to if using 'constant' method. wd (boolean): Whether this variable contributes to weight decay or not. dtype (tf.dtype): Data type for variable. Returns: weights: """ if opts == 'gaussian': weights = tf.random_normal(shape, stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype) elif opts == 'truncated_normal': weights = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=stddev) elif opts == 'xavier': h = shape[0] w = shape[1] try: num_in = shape[2] except: num_in = 1 sc = math.sqrt(3.0 / (h * w * num_in)) weights = tf.multiply(tf.random_normal(shape, dtype=dtype) * 2 - 1, sc) elif opts == 'xavier_improved': h = shape[0] w = shape[1] try: num_out = shape[3] except: num_out = 1 sc = math.sqrt(2.0 / (h * w * num_out)) weights = tf.multiply(tf.random_normal(shape, dtype=dtype), sc) elif opts == 'constant': weights = tf.constant(const, shape) else: raise ValueError('Unknown weight initialization method %s' % opts) # set up weight decay on weights if wd: weight_decay = tf.nn.l2_loss(weights) tf.add_to_collection('wd', weight_decay) return weights